.env file variables

Example .env file:

SERVER_PORT=8086 # Port where the server should run
WEB_URL=http://example.com # Url of the server (with port)
CAPTCHA=eadjfij4tfy4wuf4wuyfhg4u # reCaptcha secret (make sure to also put the public in the merchant register page!!)dotRATE_LIMIT=10 # How many requests can be made per minute
RATE_LIMIT=10 # How many requests can be made per minute
    ## Database config ##
DB_HOST= # database ip
# Name of the database you created #
# Passphrase to encrypt database entries (seeds) #
    ## Merchant Config ##
# Length of the API key generated (recommended 12-32)#

    ## Vite Config ##
# Node URL (HTTP not WebSocket!)
  • SERVER_PORT => Port on which the webserver should run on.

  • WEB_URL => URL of the VitePay instance

  • CAPTCHA => reCaptcha Secret

  • RATE_LIMIT => Limit on how many requests can be made on specific routes.

  • DB_HOST => MariaDB Server IP

  • DB_USER => MariaDB Server username

  • DB_PASS => MariaDB User password

  • DB_NAME => Name of the VitePay database

  • ENCRYPT_KEY => Passphrase used to encrypt database entries (seeds)

  • APIKEY_LENGTH => How long should API keys be (recommended 12-32)

  • NODE_URL => Vite Node HTTP url

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