expiredTransactions table
Table name: expiredTransactions
Columns: 12
Brief Columns description
merchantName: type: text, escaped merchant name
txDescription: type:text, description of the transaction
txToken: type:varchar(100), tti_ of the token used for the transaction
txAmount: type:text, raw amount of the token used for the transaction
mmSeed: type:text, AES256 encrypted middleman account seed
mmAddress: type:varchar(100), address of the middleman account
txMemo: type:text, memo of the transaction
txID: type:varchar(100), transaction ID
txDestination: type:varchar(100), merchant's vite address
txHash: type:varchar(100), hash of the transaction that confirmations should be awaited for
redirectURL: type:text, "Back to merchant" URL
txStatus: type:varchar(100), status code for the transaction
Status Codes in the database
3 => Transaction was successful
2 => Transaction expired
4 => Transaction manually cancelled by database admin
Last updated